Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 21/12/2023
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Google Meet

“Teacher, am I black or brown? I can’t relate!” Conflicts surrounding the ethnic-racial identity of high school students at Escola Estadual Diran Ramos do Amaral.


Teaching History; Ethnic-racial relations in the school space; Ethnic-racial identity; Black and brown racial categories; Conflicts around black identity.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: História

This research seeks to understand the conflicts surrounding the ethnic-racial identity of black and mixed-race high school students at Escola Estadual Diran Ramos do Amaral (EEDRA). According to the census carried out in 2014 by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), black people represent, for the first time in the history of our country, more than half of the Brazilian population, 54% of it. The struggles of Organized Black Movements in Brazil for public policies aimed at the black population have favored a change in Brazilians' understanding of their ethnic-racial belonging. However, there is still much to be done. The growing percentage of the black population in Brazil does not cancel out, for example, the existence of conflicts that still hover around the process of ethnic-racial identification of young Brazilians, particularly those who fall between the black and brown racial categories. Such conflicts were evidenced, in the case of EEDRA students, when a diagnostic questionnaire was administered to the institution's high school students. During the application, some students asked: teacher, am I black or mixed race? I can't identify myself! From this question, the problem of this work arises. This research, invariably, talks about black and peripheral students who, at times, experience ethnic-racial experiences that are difficult to conceive, but who, because they are resistant, remain on the path. It is these same black and brown students who take the lead in this writing and help me construct the reflections presented here. One of the purposes of this research is the construction of a mini-documentary that will serve as teaching material to be used in History classes and other curricular components that aim to problematize issues surrounding the ethnic-racial identity of young black people in the school space. To this end, I will use as a theoretical basis the writings of the following intellectuals: Kabengele Munanga to think about the issue of miscegenation and the concepts of race, ethnicity and ethnic-racial identity in Brazil; Neusa Santos Souza to problematize the process of understanding the ethnic-racial identity of Brazilian black men and women; bell hooks, Paulo Freire and Barbara Carine Soares Pinheiro to reflect on the production of anti-racist education as a practice of freedom.

Externo à Instituição - JULIANA TEIXEIRA SOUZA
Interna - 7969 - ARYANA LIMA COSTA
Presidente - 048.129.234-92 - BRUNO BALBINO AIRES DA COSTA - IFRN
Notícia cadastrada em: 30/11/2023 08:08
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