Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 24/02/2023
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência via Google Meet

MALE DOMINATION AND VIOLENCE; DORORITY AND RESILIENCE: Rape and aggression in the experience of marriage by the characters of Conceição Evaristo


Domestic Violence; Intrafamilial abuse; Marriage; Black Women.

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Letras

Considering that women were, perhaps, one of the first minorities to be socially oppressed and dominated for reasons that are now questionable, it is necessary to establish a historical and social search for the path taken by civilization, from its first structures to the current ones, in order to understand how such domination originated and was naturalized to the point where we witness it today. We set out, therefore, to analyze the power retained for so many centuries in the hands of men, a power that originated in patriarchy, but which had passed through it, becoming a “macho power”, and from which social relations arose. gender imbalances, domination and possession of some over others, which will drag on in family structures and social contracts, as well as in sexual relations. Emphasizing these observations, we focused on trying to understand how gender relations – unbalanced – became one of the pillars of violent intra-family relationships; how violence, especially sexual, has become “natural” between men and women, especially in the institution of marriage, and how the same gender dominations make it permissible for patriarchs to abuse both their wives and also their own children, considering, it is clear that the power of the “macho” becomes a solid amalgamation of all the powers socially given to men in all their occupations: as a husband, as a father, as na individual. So, therefore, our research object consists of three black female characters, by Conceição Evaristo, of which two – Aramides Florence and Lia Gabriel – experienced, in their narratives, experiences of physical and sexual violence committed by their partners, and one – Shirley Paixão – the experience of incestuous sexual abuse committed by her partner against her adopted daughter. Still, if possible, we will try to establish nuances of Dorority (PIEDADE, 2017) experienced or not by the characters in the passage of the narratives; so, rescuing the concept of Dorority that constitutes empathy and compassion among black women through the understanding or understanding of the pains that afflict them. The research, therefore, consists of a bibliographic review, supported by the theories of Saffioti (2015; 1999; 1987); Pateman (1993); Lerner (2019), among others. The partial results achieved previously indicate that the separation between women/victims and husbands/aggressors provides a better quality of life for both the matriarchs and their children.

Presidente - 429.391.274-68 - MARIA EDILEUZA DA COSTA - UERN
Interna - 026.658.294-01 - MARIA ELIANE SOUZA DA SILVA - CAPES
Externo ao Programa - 13385 - Redson
Notícia cadastrada em: 15/02/2023 10:42
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