Concentration Area and Research Lines


Concentration Area


Discourse and Text Studies: Studies about the discourse and the text in different discursive practices, under multiple theoretical approaches, in an interdisciplinary perspective of knowledge construction in the area of language, in which the texts, as materialization of the discourses, allow the investigation in several discursive fields.



Research Lines


1. Discourse, memory and identity: Articulates research that relates discourse, memory and identity, investigating the production of meanings in different discursive fields and in different socio-historical contexts of production, circulation and reception.


2. Text and construction of meanings: Articulates research about the factors responsible for the production of meanings in the text, considering the elements involved in the production and reception, with a view to offering contributions to the teaching of the text.


3. Literary text, criticism and culture: Articulates research in the scope of literary studies, in different approaches, encompassing both the study of literary text as an aesthetic object and its relationship with other forms of cultural production.

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