The Graduate Program in Teaching (PPGE) maintains agreements, partnerships and exchanges with institutions, networks and research groups involving national and international researchers in joint research activities and projects, as described below:
- Partnership with IFRN - Formal agreement for the assignment of IFRN servers to act as a permanent professor at PPGE
- Partnership with UFERSA - Formal agreement for the assignment of UFERSA servants to act as permanent professor of PPGE
- Agreement No. 058/2015-PROJU-IFRN (002/2015) - 1st Addendum No. 004/2018 - Signed between UERN and IFRN for the purpose of training and qualifying IFRN servers
- International Interdisciplinary Network of Researchers in Territory Development - Rede-Ter
- International Association for Research in Undergraduate Pedagogy – AINPGP
- REDE OPALA - Observatory of Heritage Landscapes of Latin America – OPPALA