

Notice nº 13/2022/PPGE/CAPF/UERN - Enrollment of regular students in the Semester 2022.2

Edital  nº 12/2022/PPGE/CAPF/UERN - Aprovação do resultado final do Processo Seletivo Simplificado para vagas para alunos especiais 2022.2

Edital nº 11/2022/PPGE/CAPF/UERN - Processo Seletivo Simplificado para vagas de alunos especiais 2022.2

Edital nº 10/2022/PPGE/CAPF/UERN - Aprovação do Resultado Final da Seleção de Bolsas DS-Capes 2022

Edital  nº 09/2022/PPGE/CAPF/UERN - Resultado Parcial da Seleção de Bolsas DS-Capes 2022

Edital  nº 08/2022/PPGE/CAPF/UERN - Aprovação de Solicitações de Seleção de Bolsas DS-Capes 2022

Edital  nº 07/2022/PPGE/CAPF/UERN - Seleção de DS - Bolsas CAPES para Turma 2021 e 2022  - ( pdf )

Aviso  nº 06/2022 - Matrículas de alunos regulares no Semestre 2022.1  ( pdf )

Edital  nº 05/2022 - Aprovação do Resultado Final do Processo Seletivo Simplificado para vagas para alunos especiais 2022.1

Aviso  nº 04/2022 - Processo Seletivo Simplificado para vagas de alunos especiais 2022.1  ( pdf )

Edital  nº 03/2022/PPGE/CAPF/UERN - Aprovação do Resultado Final do Processo Seletivo PPGE 2022

Edital  nº 008/2022/Comitê do Processo Seletivo PPGE 2022 - Resultado Preliminar do Processo Seletivo PPGE 2022

Edital  nº 02/2022/PPGE/CAPF/UERN - Aprovação de Candidaturas na Seleção de DS - Bolsas CAPES para a Turma  2021

Edital  nº 01/2022/PPGE/CAPF/UERN - Seleção de Bolsas DS - CAPES para a Turma 2021  - ( pdf ) 

Edital  nº 007/2022/PPGE Comissão do Processo Seletivo 2022 - Resultado da análise curricular

Edital  nº 006/2022/Comitê do Processo Seletivo PPGE 2022 - Deliberação sobre recursos aos resultados das entrevistas

Edital  nº 005/2022/Comitê do Processo Seletivo PPGE 2022 - Resultado da fase de entrevistas

Edital  nº 004/2022/Comitê do Processo Seletivo PPGE 2022 - Fase de Convocação

Edital  nº 003/2022/Comitê do Processo Seletivo PPGE 2022 - Deliberação sobre os recursos ao resultado da análise dos projetos

Edital  nº 002/2022/Comitê do Processo Seletivo PPGE 2022 - Resultado da análise de projetos de pesquisa

1º aditivo ao edital nº 001/2022/Comissão do Processo Seletivo PPGE/2022 - Retificação do Edital 033/2021

Edital nº 001/2022/comissão de processo seletivo PPGE/2022 - Retificação do Edital 033/2021 (Cancelamento de Prova Escrita) .


Notice nº 002/2021/Selection Process Committee PPGE 2022 - Result of resources for the approval of registrations

Notice nº 001/2021/Selection Process Committee PPGE 2022 - Approval of Registrations

Notice nº 004/2021/Election Commission do PPGE - Election Result

Notice nº 003/2021/Electoral Commission of PPGE - Update voter list

Notice nº 002/2021/ELECTION COMMISSION/PPGE/CAPF/UERN - Approval of candidacies

Notice n° 033/2021 - Selection Process 2022 for admission as a regular student in the PPGE

Notice nº 001/2021/ELECTION COMMISSION/PPGE/CAPF/UERN - Electoral process PPGE - (Apêndices)

Announcement n° 02 - List of Works submitted to the Pedagogical Booklet - Volume V

Announcement n° 01 - Extension of deadline for submission of Pedagogical Booklet - Volume V

Notice nº 032/2021 - Enrollments of regular students 2021.2

Notice nº 031/2021 - Approval of the final result selection of special students 2021.2 (NOVO)

Notice nº 030/2021 - Simplified Selection Process for special student vacancies 2021.2

Notice nº 029/2021 - Result of the analysis of adequacy of text proposals for the book of PPGE 

Notice nº 028/2021 - Approval of text submissions for the PPGE

Notice nº 027/2021 - Selection of full texts for the composition of a book to be submitted to the publisher's book publishing edict IFRN 

Notice nº 026/2021 - Approval of the Result of the Scholarship Selection DS CAPES Class 2021

Notice nº 025/2021 - Approval of the Result of the Scholarship Selection DS CAPES Class 2021 

Notice nº 024/2021 - Approval of the final result of the II selection of special students 2021.1

Notice nº 023/2021 - Enrollment of regular students in new subjects 2021.1

Notice nº 022/2021 - II Simplified Selection Process for special student vacancies 2021.1 

Notice nº 021/2021 - Selection of bags DS-Capes Class 2021

Notice nº 020/2021 - Second call for a candidate approved in the Selection Process PPGE 2021 

Notice nº 019/2021 - Result of the selection evaluation for a voluntary post-doctoral internship at the PPGE - Fluxo Contínuo 

Notice nº 018/2021 - Approval of the Final Result of the Selection Process PPGE 2021

Notice nº 017/2020 - Approval of the final result of the selection of special students 2021.1

Notice nº 016/2020 - Enrollment of regular students 2021.1

Notice nº 015/2021 Erratum - Preliminary Result of the Selection Process PPGE 2021

Notice nº 015/2021 - Preliminary Result of the Selection Process PPGE 2021 

Notice nº 014/2021 - Result of the curriculum analysis of the 2021 Selection Process PPGE 

Notice nº 013/2021 - Simplified Selection Process for special student vacancies 2021.1 

Notice nº 012/2021 - Deliberation on resources to the results of the interviews 

Notice nº 011/2021 - Result of the interview phase of the 2021 Selection Process of the PPGE 

Notice nº 010/2021 - Call for interview phase of the Selection Process 2021 

Notice nº 009/2021 - Approval of the DS CAPES Scholarship Selection Result 2021 

Notice nº 008/2021 - Deliberation on the resources to the result of the analysis of the projects  

Notice nº 007/2021 - Approval of applications for DS CAPES Scholarship Selection 2021  

Notice nº 006/2021 - Result of the analysis of the research projects of the PPGE Selection Process 2021 

Notice nº 005/2021 - Scholarship Selection DS - CAPES 2021 - (pdf)

Notice nº 004/2021 - Deliberation on the resources to the result of the evaluation of the adequacy of the projects

Notice nº 003/2021 - Result of the adequacy of the Selection projects PPGE 2021 

Notice nº 002/2021 - Approval of resources - Applications for the PPGE Selection 2021

Erratum to the Notice n° 001/2021 - Approval of applications for the PPGE 2021 Selection Process

Notice n° 001/2021 - Approval of applications for the PPGE 2021 Selection Process


Announcement - Works registered in the IV Volume of the Educational Products and Teaching Methodologies Collection

Notice n° 023/2020 - Inscrições Pós-Doutorado Voluntário PPGE - Fluxo Contínuo

Notice n° 022/2020 - Post-Doctoral Volunteer PPGE Applications - Continuous Flow - (pdf)

Notice nº 021/2020 - Call for alternate candidates in the selection of special students 2020.2 (NOVO)

Notice nº 020/2020 - Enrollment of regular students 2020.2 (pdf

Notice nº 019/2020 - Approval of the final result selection of special students 2020.2 

Erratum to the Notice nº 018/2020 - Simplified Selection Process for special student vacancies 2020.2 

Notice nº 018/2020 - Simplified selection process for special student vacancies 2020.2 (pdf

Notice nº 017/2020 - Enrollment of regular students 2020.1 (pdf

Notice n° 016/2020 - Approval of the Final Result of the Selection Process 2020

Notice n° 015/2020 - Deliberation on appeal to the final result of the Selection Process 2020

Erratum to the Notice n° 010/2020 - Result of curriculum analysis

Notice n° 014/2020 - Final Result of the Selection Process PPGE 2020 

Notice n° 013/2020 - Approval of the Final Scholarship Selection Result DS CAPES 2020 

Notice n° 012/2020 - Approval of applications for Scholarship Selection DS CAPES 2020

Notice n° 011/2020 - Selection of DS-Capes Scholarships 2020 (PDF)

Notice n° 010/2020 - Result of curriculum analysis

Notice n° 009/2020 - Deliberation on the use of the results of the interviews 

Notice n° 008/2020 - List of those approved in the interview phase

Notice n° 007/2020 - Call for interview phase of the Selection Process 2020

I Addendum to the Notice n° 027/2019 - Selection Process for Academic Master's in Teaching 2020

Notice n° 006/2020 - Deliberation on the use of the results of the project analysis

Notice n° 005/2020 - List of those approved in the analysis of projects 

Notice nº 004/2020 - Deliberation on appeal to the result of the written test 

Notice nº 003/2020 - Result of the written test of the PPGE Selection Process 2020 

Notice nº 002/2020 - Approval of resources - Registration for the PPGE Selection 2020 

Notice nº 001/2020 - Approval of Applications for the PPGE Selection  2020 


Notice n° 001/2019 - PPGE Election Commission 

Notice n° 027/2019 - Selection Process for Academic Master's in Teaching 2020 (pdf

Notice nº 026/2019 - Approval of the final result for the selection of special students 2019.2 (pdf)

Notice nº 025/2019 - Approval of the final result selection of special students 2019.1

Notice nº 024/2019 - Selection of special students 2019.2

Notice nº 023/2019 - Enrollment for regular semester students 2019.2

Notice nº 022/2019 - Enrollment for special discipline 2019.1

Notice nº 021/2019 - Enrollment for special discipline 2019.1

Notice nº 020/2019 - Enrollment for special discipline 2019.1

Notice nº 019/2019 - Approval of the final result selection of special students 2019.1

Notice n° 018/2019 - Selection of special students 2019.1 (pdf)

Notice n° 017/2019 - Enrollment of regular students 2019.1 

Notice n° 016/2019 - Approval of the Final Result of the Selection Process PPGE 2019 

Notice n° 015/2019 - Approval of the Final Result of the Scholarship Selection DS CAPES 2019 

Notice n° 014/2019 - Approval of the Result of the DS CAPES Scholarship Selection 2019 

Notice n° 013/2019 - Erratum to the Public Notice of the Final Result of the PPGE Selection Process  2019 

Notice n° 013/2019 - Final Result of the PPGE Selection Process 2019

Notice n° 012/2019 - Approval of applications for DS CAPES Scholarship Selection 2019

Notice nº 011/2019 - Result of curriculum analysis 

Notice n° 010/2019 - Selection of DS/Capes Scholarships 2019 (pdf

Notice n° 009/2019 - Deliberation on the use of the results of the interviews

Notice n° 008/2019 - List of those approved in the interview phase 

Notice n° 007/2019 - Call for interview phase of the Selection Process 2019 

Notice n° 006/2019 - Deliberation on the use of the results of the project analysis 

Notice n° 005/2019 - List of those approved in the analysis of projects 

Notice nº 004/2019 - Deliberation on appeal to the result of the written test 

Notice n° 003/2019 - Result of the written test of the PPGE Selection Process 2019

Notice nº 002/2019 - Approval of resources: Applications for the PPGE Selection 2019

Notice nº 001/2019 - Approval of registrations for the PPGE Selection Process 2019


Notice n° 021/2018 - Final Result of the PNPD Selection 2018

Notice nº 020/2018 - Result of the evaluation of Research Projects/Work Plans and Lattes Curricula of the PNPD Selection 2018 

Notice n° 019/2018 - Approval of applications for selection of PNPD 2018 scholarship holder

Notice n° 018/2018 - Selection Process for Academic Master's in Teaching 2019 - (pdf)

Notice n° 017/2018 - 2018 Selection for the National Post-Doctoral Program (PNPD) scholarship - (pdf)

Notice nº 016/2018 - Approval of the final result of the selection of special students 2018.2

Notice nº 016/2018 - Approval of the final result of the selection of special students 2018.2

Notice n° 015/2018 - Selection of special students 2018.2

Notice n° 014/2018 - Enrollment of regular students 2018.2

Notice n° 013/2018 - Enrollment for special discipline 2018.1

Notice nº 012/2018 - Approval of the final result of the selection of special students 2018.1

Notice nº 011/2018 - Selection of special students 2018.1

Notice nº 010/2018 - Enrollment of regular students of Class 2018 in Semester 2018.1

Notice nº 009/2018 - Approval of the Final Result of the 2018 PPGE Selection Process

Notice n° 008/2018 - List of those approved in the analysis of projects and call for the interview phase

Notice n° 007/2018 - Deliberation on appeal to the result of the written test

Notice nº 006/2018 - Enrollment of regular students of Classes 2016 and 2017 in the Semester 2018.1

Notice nº 005/2018 - Result of the written test of the PPGE Selection Process 2018

Notice nº 004/2018 - Approval of registrations for the PPGE Selection Process 2018

Notice n° 003/2018 - Approval of the Final Result Selection of Scholarships 2018

Notice nº 002/2018 - Selection of bags DS-Capes

Notice n° 001/2018 - Reopening of the PPGE Selection Process 2018

Notice of suspension of the Selection Process PPGE 2018

Notice n° 001/2018 - PPGE Election Commission


Addendum to the Notice nº 001-2017 - PPGE Election Commission

Notice n° 021/2017 - PPGE 2018 Selection Process

Notice n° 001/2017 - PPGE Election Commission

Notice nº 020/2017 - Approval of the Final Result of the 2017 PNPD Scholarship Selection

Notice n° 019/2017 - Selection 2017 for a scholarship from the National Post-Doctoral Program (PNPD)

Notice nº 018/2017 - Approval of the final result of the selection of special students 2017.2

Notice nº 017/2017 - Enrollment of regular students 2017.2

Addendum to the Notice n° 016/2017 - Selection of special students 2017.2

Notice nº 016/2017 - Selection of special students 2017.2

Notice n° 015/2017 - Enrollment for special discipline 2017.1

Notice nº 014/2017 - Approval of the final result of the selection of special students for a special discipline

Notice nº 013/2017 - Enrollment and selection for special discipline 2017.1

Notice nº 012/2017 - Approval of the final result of the selection of special students 2017.1

Notice nº 011/2017 - Enrollment of regular students 2017.1

Notice nº 010/2017 - Selection of special students 2017.1

Notice nº 009/2017 - Approval of the Final Result of the 2017 PPGE Selection Process

Notice n° 008/2017 - List of those approved in the analysis of projects and call for the interview phase

Notice n° 007/2017 - Result of the written test of the PPGE 2017 Selection Process

Notice nº 006/2017 - Approval of the Final Result of the Scholarship Selection 2017

I Addendum to the Notice n° 005/2017 - Approval of registrations for the PPGE 2017 Selection Process

Notice nº 005/2017 - Approval of registrations for the 2017 PPGE Selection Process

Notice n° 004/2017 - Enrollment for special discipline 2017.1

Notice nº 003/2017 - Selection of FAPERN and DS/CAPES scholarships

Notice nº 002/2017 - Approval of the final result selection of special students for a special subject 2016.2

Notice nº 001/2017 - Enrollment/Registration for special discipline 2016.2


Notice nº 018/2016 - PPGE 2017 Selection Process

Notice nº 017/2016 - Enrollment for special discipline 2016.2

Notice nº 016/2016 - Approval of the Final Result of the 2016 PNPD Scholarship Selection

Notice n° 015/2016 - Enrollment for special discipline 2016.2

Notice n° 014/2016 - Selection 2016 for a scholarship from the National Post-Doctoral Program (PNPD)

Notice nº 013/2016 - Approval of the final result of the selection of special students 2016.2

Notice nº 012/2016 - Selection for special student vacancies 2016.2

Notice nº 011/2016 - Enrollment of regular students 2016.2

Notice nº 010/2016 - Approval of the final result of the 2016 Teacher Accreditation Process

Notice nº 009/2016 - Approval of registrations for the 2016 Teacher Accreditation Process

Notice nº 008/2016 - Approval of the final result of the selection of special students 2016.1

Notice nº 007/2016 - Enrollments for special subjects and selection of special students 2016.1

Notice nº 006/2016 - PPGE 2016 Teacher Accreditation Process

Notice nº 005/2016 - Enrollment of regular students 2016.1

Notice nº 004/2016 - List of Approved in the Analysis of Projects

Notice nº 003/2016 - List of Approved in the Analysis of Projects

Notice nº 002/2016 - List of Passers in the Written Test

Notice nº 001/2016 - Approval of registrations for the 2016 PPGE Selection Process


Notice nº 015/2015 - PPGE 2016 Selection Process

Notice nº 014/2015 - Approval of the final result of the selection of special students 2015.2

Notice nº 013/2015 - Selection for special student vacancies 2015.2

Notice nº 012/2015 - Enrollment of regular students 2015.2

Notice nº 011/2015 - Approval of the Final Result of the Scholarship Selection 2015

Notice nº 010/2015 - Approval of the Final Result of the Scholarship Selection 2015

Notice nº 009/2015 - Selection of FAPERN Scholarships - CAPES

Notice nº 008/2015 - Approval of the Final Result of the Selection of Special Students 2015.1

Notice nº 007/2015 - Selection for special student vacancies 2015.1

Notice nº 006/2015 - Approval of the Final Result of the PPGE 2015 Selection Process

Notice nº 005/2015 - List of those approved in the analysis of projects

Notice nº 004/2015 - List of those who passed the written test

Notice nº 003/2015 - Addendum 2 to the Approval Notice of entries for the PPGE 2015 Selection

Notice nº 002/2015 - Addendum to the Notice of Approval of Applications for the PPGE 2015 Selection Process

Notice nº 001/2015 - Approval of registrations for the 2015 PPGE Selection Process


Notice nº 019/2014 - Alteration of the PPGE 2015 Selection Process

Notice nº 018/2014 - PPGE 2015 Selection Process

Edital nº 017/2014 - Approval of the final result selection of special students for a special discipline

Notice nº 016/2014 - Enrollment/Registration for a special discipline

Notice nº 015/2014 - Approval of the Final Result of the Selection of Special Students 2014.2

Notice nº 014/2014 - Amendment to Public Notice No. 013/2014

Notice nº 013/2014 - Selection for special student vacancies 2014.2

Notice nº 012/2014 - Approval of the Final Result of the PNPD Scholarship Selection 2014

Notice nº 011/2014 - Approval of PNPD Scholarship Applications 2014

Notice nº 010/2014 - National Post-Doctoral Program Scholarship Selection (PNPD)

Notice nº 009/2014 - Approval of the Final Result of the Scholarship Selection 2014.1

Notice nº 008/2014 - Selection of CAPES Scholarships for Social Demand 2014.1

Notice nº 007/2014 - Approval of the final result selection of special students 2014.1

Notice nº 006/2014 - Selection for Special Student Vacancies Semester 2014.1

Notice nº 005/2014 - Approval of the Final Result of the PPGE 2014 Selection Process

Notice nº 004/2014 - List of Approved in the Analysis of Projects and Call for Interview

Notice nº 003/2014 - Result of Appeal of the Written Test

Notice nº 002/2014 - List of Approved in the Written Test

Notice n° 001/2014 - Approval of Registrations.


Notice nº 001/2013 - PPGE Selection Process 2014

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