PPGE Self-Assessment


In order to meet the demands of the CAPES institutional system, as well as to place the PPGE academic community in a process of permanent reflection on its scientific mission and social commitment, we seek to develop a formative self-assessment with the firm purpose of promoting continuous improvement. program quality and performance.

The general objective of the self-assessment within the scope of the PPGE is “to implement a program of self-assessment of performance for the sectors and segments of the PPGE that evidences significant weaknesses and potentialities, in order to establish a strategic planning in the short, medium and long terms”. As specific objectives, the following were established:

i) Develop a formative self-assessment that promotes the continuous improvement of the PPGE's quality and performance;

ii) Implement self-assessment as a cultural practice inherent to the daily life of the PPGE, encouraging its regularity, continuous monitoring and participation of all those involved in the instances and segments of the PPGE;

iii) Sensitize the academic community on the need to involve all segments in the evaluation process;

iv) Conceive the self-assessment as a mechanism to contribute to the strategic planning of the program.

To achieve these objectives, the first task of the PPGE was the constitution of the Self-Assessment Commission, in a meeting of the Collegiate, formed by professors, students, graduates and administrative technician:


Simone Cabral Marinho dos Santos - President  
José Cezinaldo Rocha Bessa - Professor  
Diana Maria Leite Lopes Saldanha - Professor  
Maria da Conceição Costa - Professor  
Francisco Alves da Costa Neto - Graduate  
Francisco Reginaldo Linhares - Graduate  
Taysa Kelly da Silva - Graduate  
Marília Cavalcante de Freitas Moreira - Graduate  
Joelma Uchoa Pinheiro - Graduate  
Rafaella Pereira Chagas - Graduate  
Maria Natalia da Silva - Student  
Gerlândio Geraldo Teodoso - Student  
Kivia Pereira Queiroz - Student  
Maria de Jesus Alves - Student  
Narla Laurinda Chaves de Aquino - Student  
Francisco Renato da Silva Santos - Secretary  


This commission took on the activities of elaborating the action plan, defining the methodological procedures and coordinating the field research, through the collection, tabulation, analysis and publication of the collected data. She was in charge of conducting the work considering the following steps of the self-assessment methodology: preparation, implementation, dissemination, use of results and meta-evaluation (evaluating the evaluation system) (CAPES, 2019).

The action plan prepared by the commission has democratic management, participation, dialogue, legitimacy and visibility as its principles. The proposed assessment dimensions cover: Training, Production and Professional Practice (teacher, student, graduate, technical-administrative), Management and Infrastructure. The self-assessment conceived in this way allows professors, students, graduates and administrative technicians to individually assess such dimensions, at the same time as they self-assess in this process. The information collected in this process will allow a reflection on the results obtained and generate an operational repertoire that should lead to program decision-making.


ORDINANCE-SEI No 464, FROM SETEMBER 15, 2023  - PPGE Self-Assessment and Graduate Monitoring Committee 

ORDINANCE-SEI No 518, FROM OCTOBER 18, 2022 - PPGE Self-Assessment Committee

Ordinance No. 005-2019 - PPGE Self-Assessment Committee


Schedule of PPGE Self-Assessment Committee meetings (2019-2020)


PPGE Assessment and Self-Assessment Plan - Quadrennial 2017-2020


The research project "Self-evaluation of the graduate program in teaching - PPGE/UERN: diagnosis and planning" was approved by an ad hoc external evaluation and approved by the Institutional Committee for Research and Innovation - CIPI, on 05/26/2021 .

Click on the link below to access this research project:

Self-Assessment of the Graduate Program in Teaching - PPGE/UERN: Diagnosis and Planning


Self-Assessment of Graduate Programs: Working Group


Final Evaluation and Self-Assessment Report of the PPGE - Quadrennial 2017 - 2020

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