Completed Research Projects

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Application of organic clays and zeolites in the adsorption of pollutants


The Chemistry of Natural Products and the Teaching of Organic Chemistry


The use of experimental activities integrated to virtual environments in the teaching/learning of exact sciences


The use of concept maps in physics teaching: possibility of evaluating concepts related to physics presented by students from public schools in RN


Knowledge that springs from the earth: the educational dimension of agroecology and possibilities of repercussion in the peasant school space

Little watchdogs: education and food security start inside the school        


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The construction of spatial concepts in Geography classes in public schools in Pau dos Ferros-RN: Elementary School


The didactic construction of geographic knowledge and the challenges of multiculturalism: a look at the performance of PIBID Geografia do CAMEAM/UERN      


The Geography that is taught in basic education in Alto Oeste Potiguar-RN: a profile of Elementary School 


Sociology and Philosophy in the different models of school and curriculum in High School


Walking in the paths of non-formal education: knowledge, learning from the joint action of community leaders from the semi-arid northeast and southeast of Brazil, aiming at valuing and promoting the dignity of the elderly


From Early Childhood Education to Elementary School: analysis of monitoring student learning with a focus on diagnostic assessment

Teaching History as a space for learning the interpretation of texts and developing the critical historical awareness of students


Phenomenological study of education, criminality and law


Science fairs and science education: visibility mechanisms within the scope of science popularization

The teaching of human sciences: between school and interdisciplinarity


Social recognition and school success of students of popular origin: towards a sociology of the improbable  

Assistive technologies as a teaching support for the educational inclusion of autistic children


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The issue of enunciative responsibility and language teaching


Reading practices in school and non-school spaces and subjects' ways of reading   


The process of teacher mediation and inclusive practices 

The uses of communication and information technologies in the teaching of Portuguese: a study based on speeches by teachers and students of Basic Education    

Technologies in Portuguese language learning: mapping of digital resources and good practices in Brazil and Portugal





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West Potiguar Science Fairs

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