Social Insertion



It is an extension program that is in its 14th Edition and that has been operating systematically since 2007, expanding its reading actions in the Alto Oeste Potiguar region in 05 municipalities, under the leadership of five constituted and interdependent teams. BALE seeks to favor the democratization of reading and access to all audiences, enabling the training of new agents through "caneiros" contemplating the different arts, literary, scenic and circus, art education, cinematographic art combined with music, digital art, which unfold into activities aimed at the community in general. This action is consolidated in five Projects, called “Canteiros”: Training (BALE Project - TRAINING), Information (BALE.Net Project), Staging (BALE Project on stage), Storytelling (BALE Project - Reading Point) and Fiction (Project Cine – BALE Musical). The objective, in this edition, is to continue the activities developed in conjunction with the schools involved. The activities of BALE Pauferrense in this edition, for example, are in line with the actions of the Sociedade Filarmônica Pauferrense (SFP) season, in which concerts are planned in the outskirts of the city. The “Mirins Leitores, Grandes Mediadores” Project, carried out in partnership with the Municipal Education Departments of Portalegre, São Miguel, Frutuoso Gomes and Francisco Dantas, continues with the actions directly in the schools involved. The Program is included in the UERN extension curriculum proposal.

PPGE teachers involved in the team: Profa. Dra. Diana Maria Leite Lopes Saldanha (Coordinator) e Profa. Dra. Maria Lúcia Pessoa Sampaio.

PPGE students involved in the team: Renata Paiva de Freitas (Student of the 2018 class), Joana Darc do Nascimento Barros (Student of the 2018 class) e Raimunda Queiroz Rego (Student of the 2019 class) e Maria Eridan da Silva Santos (Graduating from the 2014 class)



The pedagogical workshops entitled Learning records as guides for pedagogical practice: from theoretical foundations to the elaboration of proposals aimed to discuss theoretically about evaluation and records of student learning, and, later, to elaborate, together with professionals from the early years of elementary school, proposals for work that discuss criteria used by teachers, as well as gaps in the preparation of student learning records. Five public schools in the municipalities of Água Nova, José da Penha, Pau dos Ferros, Rafael Fernandes and Pilões participated in this research, with teachers, pedagogical coordinators and school managers. Conducted by PPGE students, under the guidance of Professor Dr. Maria da Conceição Costa, the project also counts with the participation of researchers from the Doctorate of the Postgraduate Program in Letters (PPGL), and professors from the Department of Education//UERN/Pau dos Ferros Campus. In the next stage of the research, in progress, the activities will culminate with the elaboration of criteria, diagnostic sheets about the learning process of children in the literacy phase, together with basic education professionals - teachers, pedagogical coordinators and managers, thus resulting in in a collective practice of qualitative assessment, in which the teaching and learning processes will be better understood.

Coordination: Profa. Dra. Maria da Conceição Costa

PPGE students involved in the team: Francisco Reginaldo Linhares (Student of the 2018 class), Letícia Bezerra França (Student of the 2019 class) e Elenice Alves Pereira (Student of the 2017 class)



The Science Space Program aims to expand the horizons of Science in order to contribute to the insertion in the job market, through the qualification of the participants. The target audience are teachers and students from the public school system, parents and students assisted by APAE and the Pau dos Ferros nucleus of the AAPCMR, communities in the peripheral neighborhoods of Pau dos Ferros, as well as students from the 7 courses of the Multidisciplinary Center of Pau dos Ferros. irons. It is a program of regional scope involving institutions that, by nature, include students or residents of cities in neighboring states, as is the case of the cities of northern Rio Grande do Sul, Come-ver, São Miguel and Pau dos Ferros, which borders with Ceará. With the Program's actions, it is expected: i) to make Exact Sciences and Engineering more pleasant in order to stimulate and motivate participating students to continue towards graduation in these areas, ii) to increase partnerships with other public and private institutions, in addition to already signed, in order to keep the Espaço da Ciência Program always alive, with continued activities, iii) to contribute to the improvement of teaching in the state, providing better training for entry into academic and professional life, iv) to promote and encourage social inclusion by offering professional training courses, v) assist non-profit institutions in their administrative activities through computer solutions developed in undergraduate courses through the Professional Development, Implementation and Training project, vi) implement a workshop to the execution of works in steel and wood, especially for the realization of the project EcoAteliê: Creation Unive society, transforming garbage into art.

PPGE teachers involved in the team: Prof. Dr. Glaydson Francisco Barros de Oliveira (Coordinator) e Prof. Dr. Otávio Paulino Lavor (Member)

PPGE students involved in the team: Marcelo Nascimento de Morais Oliveira (Student of the 2019 class)



A Philosophical Café is a meeting in a public place (not necessarily a café), where everyone can participate in a group philosophical reflection, regardless of their philosophical background. The Philosophical Café Project, a component of the activities of the University Extension Center for Education in Human Rights (NUEDH), has among its objectives, to encourage the creation of informal philosophical research groups linked to the Department of Education/CAMEAM/UERN and the surrounding municipalities. to Pau dos Ferros, as well as providing the local community with a plural space for discussions and research on various topics around philosophical practice, providing a healthy meeting between people and promoting reintegration. It seeks to channel various formats for the debates of intellectual, scientific and philosophical productions, such as: books, cinematographic productions, theories. In addition, the themes of the debates are defined from the discussions developed in the curricular components of the undergraduate and/or graduate courses taught by the members of the Project. The Philosophical Cafés seek, as far as possible, to provide a short break to think, socialize and discuss themes from the universe of Philosophy and Philosophy of Education, such as: education, teaching, learning, becoming, human formation, self-knowledge, society and its human dilemmas in the municipalities of the so-called 'Tromba do Elefante' - Alto Oeste Potiguar.

PPGE teachers involved in the team: Profa. Dra. Maria da Paz Cavalcante (Member) e Profa. Dra. Sheyla Maria Fontenele Macedo (Member)

PPGE students involved in the team: Sheila Danielle Fernandes de Souza (Graduating from the 2017 class) e Ivanilza de Souza Bezerra (Graduating from the 2017 class).



The teaching practice experiences difficulties with motivation and public interaction with the content. In this way, didactic alternatives need to be thought and studied aiming at interactional improvements that affect learning. The investigation of the interactions of information and communication technologies is justified by the search to combine theory and practice in an attractive and motivating way, proving to be relevant in basic education and favoring a learning dialogue. In this sense, the actions of this extension work project include visits to basic education schools in the semiarid region to bring information and communication technologies with a view to promoting and training human resources.

PPGE teachers involved in the team: Prof. Dr. Otávio Paulino Lavor (Coordinator).



Considering the importance of developing actions that promote and facilitate the use of technologies in teaching, Professor Luis Miguel Dias Caetano, a collaborating professor at PPGE, developed, together with 50 students enrolled in the discipline “New Technologies Applied to Teaching”, a project aimed at producing of digital resources for the Schools Platform of the Rio Grande do Norte State Department of Education Network, integrated in the National Platform "Digital School". The Escolas da Rede (RN) Platform aims to provide lesson plans, digital learning objectives and study guides. These digital resources have the mission of helping teachers and students of basic education in the teaching and learning processes in line with the assumptions of the National Curricular Common Base (BNCC). The activity developed contributed to the Platform indicating more than 100 digital resources with respective pedagogical guidance following the experiences and knowledge obtained in the discipline of the Master in Teaching (PPGE), from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN).

PPGE teachers involved in the team: Prof. Dr. Luis Miguel Dias Caetano (Coordinator).

PPGE students involved in the team: Alunos da disciplina Novas Tecnologias Aplicadas ao Ensino – Semestre 2020.1



The West Potiguar Science Fair is an extension project carried out by the University of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), Advanced Campus of Pau dos Ferros (CAPF) and by the 13th Regional Directorate of Education and Culture (DIREC), of the of the State of Education and Culture (SEEC), of the Government of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, in partnership with the Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido (UFERSA). The West Potiguar Science Fair seeks to contribute to the development of a scientific culture in the school space, through training activities for students and teachers that precede the fair, surpassing the limits of a punctual event. From 2011 to 2020, 602 projects were registered, with the participation of 436 professors-advisors and approximately 1700 students.
This project has the technical, scientific and pedagogical support of the Postgraduate Program in Teaching (PPGE) – UERN/CAPF, the Postgraduate Program in Planning and Territorial Dynamics in the Semiarid Region (PLANDITES) – UERN/CAPF, and the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). It also has the financial support, since 2013, of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), through calls (public notices) to promote Science and Technology Fairs. Scientific Exhibitions – Municipal Scope. This financial aid has defrayed part of the fair's expenses and financed Junior Scientific Initiation scholarships (PIBIC-Jr) for students, whose projects achieved the best classification at the fair. Throughout these 10 editions, 33 elementary school (8th and 9th) and high school students benefited from the IC-Jr scholarship.

PPGE teachers involved in the team: Profa. Dra. Simone Cabral Marinho dos Santos (Coordinator)



This research is qualitative and documentary in nature and is organized in a network, comprising institutions in the five Brazilian regions. It uses as an instrument for data collection a semi-structured interview with members of the Departments of Education and schools (coordinators and teachers), collection and analysis of materials produced during the COVID-19 pandemic for remote teaching of literature in elementary school (1st to 5th Year). A multicentric research involving researchers from the five Brazilian regions is proposed, notably in the following cities: Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Campina Grande, Campo Grande, Canoas, Catalão, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Guarulhos, Humaitá, Natal, Niterói, Passo Fundo, Patos, Pau dos Ferros, Porto Alegre, São Gonçalo, São Luís, Serra, Três Lagoas.
The research aims to monitor and reflect on the challenges that remote teaching has imposed on the development of literary reading activities in the early years of Elementary School in Brazil. The multicentric profile of the research, with coordinators in different units of the federation, will allow the analysis of the different strategies adopted in the country for teaching literature to children from 1st to 5th grade. For that, a documental analysis of the materials used by the professors will be carried out, as well as the listening of managers, coordinators and professors to understand the decisions taken. In this way, the research aims to contribute to the reflection on remote teaching and its impacts on the formation of readers.
The research project has Prof. Dr. Anderson Luís Nunes da Mata (UNB) as coordinator and with Prof. Dr Marly Amarilha (UFRN) and Prof. Dr. Elisa Maria Dalla-Bona (UFPR) as assistant coordinators.

PPGE teachers involved in the team: Profa. Dra. Diana Maria Leite Lopes Saldanha



The reading of literary works has always been present in the most diverse educational processes since Antiquity, linked, above all, to the teaching of language. More recently, due to several conceptual and pedagogical reforms, the reading of literary works has been erased at school, which has led to the defense of its specificity as literary literacy among other types of literacy promoted in basic education. It is understood that literary reading is essential both for the formation of the reader and for the integral development of the student, being part of his bilgung as a human person. In Brazilian schools, especially in the Northeast, there are several proposals and experiences that align or can be aligned with this perspective, but that end up being ignored due to lack of recognition. This research seeks to identify, critically analyze, systematize and disseminate these proposals and experiences as alternatives to strengthen literary literacy in basic education. It is a network project with researchers from the Northeast that is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Rildo Cosson (UFMG and UFPB) and researchers with Renata Junqueira (UNESP), Daniela Maria Segabinazi, (UFPB) Alyere Farias (UFPB), Carmem Sevilha, Fabiana Ferreira da Costa (UFPB), Rinah de Araújo Souto (UFPB), Socorro de Fátima Pacífico (UFPB) and Hélder Pinheiro (UFCG) and Maria Lúcia Pessoa Sampaio (UERN) as members of the executing team.

PPGE teachers involved in the team: Profa. Dra. Maria Lúcia Pessoa Sampaio.

10) CONEXÃOENSINO.COM PROGRAM is an activity that aims to disseminate research developed by graduates of the program and establish a link of integration with schools and teachers of basic education in the region. The program's proposal is to use digital technologies, via the PPGE channel on Youtube, to bring the research developed in the program closer to basic education classrooms, aiming to contribute to the practice of teachers through the socialization of theoretical and methodological approaches. covered by the three lines of research of the PPGE: Teaching of Exact and Natural Sciences, Teaching of Human and Social Sciences and Teaching of Languages. The series of meetings is available on the PPGE Youtube Channel: During 2020, the meetings were conducted by PPGE students/scholarship holders: Adelmo Artur de Aquino, Danilly de Sousa Bezerra, Letícia Bezerra França, Maria Juliana do Nascimento, Mariana Pricilia de Assis, The activity has the participation of the coordination of the program, scholarship holders, students and program graduates.

PPGE teachers involved in the team: Prof. Dr. José Cezinaldo Rocha Bessa

PPGE students involved in the team: Aparecida Suiane Batista Estevam , Erica Dantas da Silva, Gessica Galdino da Silva Pereira, Beatriz Andrade dos Santos, Alderí Segundo de Lima Júnior e Ana Caroline da Silva Avelino, Isabel Haialy Pereira da Silva e Maria Jocelma Duarte de Lima.

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